Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Head Up My Ass: Beta Tomorrow

I'm starting to turn into a ball of nerves. I've felt so confident and positive this entire cycle. I've peed on three pregnancy tests and they've all come back negative. Of course I still have my head up my ass hoping some kind of HCG magical power will bless me with good news tomorrow.

I normally don't have head shoved up my ass, but this is the first real chance we've had at becoming pregnant. Our last IVF was cancelled at the embryo transfer so in my mind, it doesn't even count. Michael knows when I'm imagining myself pregnant, he tells me I glow. It must be the image of us being blissfully happy knowing I'm carrying a baby that keeps my head jammed up voluptuous tush.

I just don't think I'm ready to let go of that hope. Perhaps I need a miracle.

1 comment:

  1. Hey there! I'm sorry I haven't checked up on you in a while. I hope all is well. I know the IVF process is probably taking it's toll, but all you can do is put one foot infront of the other. I've got my fingers crossed for you that the HCG shows something amazing!!

