On Tuesday, at exactly 30 weeks I had my appointment with the
MFM for a growth scan. At my last growth scan at 26 weeks both babies were measuring big so I didn't expect them to suddenly be smaller, but boy were we, as well as the doctor surprised to find out just how big they were measuring now.
Little Guy (baby B) has always been smaller. I'm even convinced that he was the embryo that wasn't hatching when we went in for our embryo transfer. Well guess what, that little guy has finally taken over and now out-weighs his sister. He is estimated to weigh 3lbs 12 oz which puts him in the 86
th percentile. He's also made himself comfortable curled up, transverse and high in my belly.
Baby Girl (baby A), who's typically been larger, has now been surpassed by her brother but she is still holding her own weighing in at 3lbs 7oz putting her at the 65
th percentile. She is still vertex, although she is snuggled in really low.
Both babies'
heart rates were good, Baby Girl at 136 and Little Guy at 156. Unfortunately we didn't get any pictures because Baby Girl was facing my back and Little Guy was curled in a ball. I'm just happy they are big and healthy.
My cervix is still holding strong at 3.2 which the doctor said was great. For some reason I'm super paranoid about my cervix and request
trans vaginal ultrasounds at every appointment. It always makes for an uncomfortable moment between me and whichever doctor I'm seeing. I think Michael gets embarrassed for me. They seem to think I have no idea how they need to take the measurement. I remind them
every time that I'm pregnant thanks to my 4
th IVF so me and the
vag cam go way back.
As I mentioned earlier, the doctor we saw seemed surprised by the size of the babies. He said if we make it to term, they will be good sized babies. He even made a couple references to 'in normal twin pregnancies' followed by 'but in your case' since the babies are quite big, particularly for being twins. Hopefully, they keep getting bigger. I would love to deliver full-term healthy big babies that require no
NICU time.
Stay put little ones, mama loves you just where you are! Oh, and she is not ready....at all!