It was an exciting week for me and my little gummy bears. On Saturday, at 19w4d I felt our son move! I was laying in the recliner watching a movie after a wonderful afternoon of yoga and lunch with girlfriends when I could feel him. It feels a little bit like gas, but it doesn't hurt and doesn't move in 'that' direction. It was so amazing and I'm so glad I got to feel him.
My back has been killing me. Its not been my lower back like I thought it would, but rather my middle back. A wise friend of mine, also pregnant with twins, suggested it was because the babies are now moving their way up. That makes perfect sense, so I'm going with it.
How far along: 20 weeks
Maternity clothes: Yes, this week I made the switch and commitment to maternity clothes. The pants are a bit big and I keep pulling them up, but I'm sure I will grow into them soon enough.
Sleep: the bathroom and my back are keeping me up
Best moment this week: feeling our son move
Food cravings: grapes
Gender: boy/girl (confirmed last week!)
What I'm missing the most: no back pain
What I'm looking forward to: feeling our daughter move
Congrats on the most wonderful feeling in the world! How lucky you are to feel it x2!