Friday, January 15, 2010

Day 5 Stim Check

It was after today's appointment that I realized how night and day my two IVF cycles are. Dr. D. is much more aggressive with my doses and I really think its going to pay off. After 5 days of stims my follicles are:

Left ovary: 12, 11, 11, 11, 11, 7 and 5 that are too small to measure and likely won't turn into anything

Right ovary: 12, 10 and 4 smaller ones

My e2 is 959

For IVF #1 I ended up with a total of 7 eggs retrieved and only 4 mature. Additionally, my e2 was just under 1,000 at time of trigger.

At this point I'm staying on the 375 nightly iu of Gonal-F and adding in 10 iu of low dose HCG and I will keep on the 20 units diluted Lupron twice daily. I go back in on Sunday morning for another check.

Keep your fingers crossed!